「台東星浪恩典屋」主人從小在台東縣東河鄉-都蘭村長大,在服務軍隊20餘年以後,回到家鄉,享受著每日擁抱都蘭村那界海灣之美的日子。老家門前就是蔚藍的大海,藍海與藍天的天地線是那麼地清楚,而它那始曉與終昏時刻以及四季所呈現的美,更是筆墨難繪;晚上海灣浪聲的自然低頻是最好的入眠曲,自小迄今總是一不小心就會在星空下睡著。都蘭村的那界是乾淨的小漁村,為都蘭村唯一有海景之角落,前面是一乾淨無油汙無魚腥味的新蘭小漁港,是台東人的私房景點,推薦大家來走遊 ,但請不要破壞它與地方環境平衡,「台東星浪恩典屋」提供舒適的環境,歡迎您的到來……
I grew up in Dulan of Taitung County, and after serving in the military for over 20 years, I returned to embrace the beauty of my old home at a fishing harbor on the Najie Bay. Here, the play between ocean and sky is always of crystal clear beauty that may be enjoyed all year long at every moment, a beauty that no artist could hope to fully capture. Under the shining stars, the low, hypnotic hum of the waves is likely to put you to sleep before you know it! This clean, simple harbor is a secret spot known to Taitung locals. We warmly invite you to come and enjoy it (and please remember to respect the local environment)!
Come experience any one of our four cement pipe rooms and two suit room(double bed )in the serene Xinlan Harbor, the perfect place to think in peace or do nothing at all. The changes in the weather throughout the day are amazing, and the play between ocean and sky is always of crystal clear beauty. Xinlan is a simple, slow-paced community where cats and dogs can often be seen sleeping on the roadside. At night, the shining stars and low hum of the waves will lull you into tranquil sleep in this place blessed with graces from above. We warmly invite you to this quiet yet profound place (The Treasure Bay)that is truly one of a kind.